Deep Tissue Massage Therapy


  • Benefits of deep tissue massage include
  • Eases pain
  • Reduces stiffness
  • Improves circulation
  • Improves range of motion
  • Relieves stress

What is Deep Tissue Massage Therapy

Deep tissue massage is a massage technique that’s mainly used to treat musculoskeletal issues, and tends to by applied to larger areas of the body than sports massage that tends to concentrate on a particular condition or area of soft tissue.

As the name suggests , this type of massage works on deeper soft tissues than the upper layers worked on during a therapeutic or Swedish massage. It involves applying intense, sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes, sometimes preferred by certain clients


A Canadian doctor, Therese Phimmer, is credited with establishing deep tissue massage and described in her book, Muscles-Your Invisible Bonds. Phimmer encouraged slow, long strokes with gentle but firm pressure applied to soft tissue in order to address tension and adhesions deep within. While firm pressure is applied, a deep tissue massage should never hurt.

How is it carried out

This kind of massage is designed to reach deeper than a Therapeutic or Swedish massage. The massage therapist may use their thumbs, forearms, fists or elbows to apply pressure and ease discomfort caused by tightness and adhesions deep beneath the skin’s surface.

It typically takes place with the client in a lying position, but may be sitting too. The appointment commences with a discussion between the client and therapist in order to ascertain the client’s needs. It is potentially at thus pint that it is agreed that the therapist may use this deeper approach to the massage.

Towels are used to drape over the client to keep them warm and maintain their dignity with pillows or bolsters used to support and provide comfort. Various techniques may be used, including manipulation and mobilisation of relevant joints. Despite the depth, the aim of the massage is not to hurt the client, and if discomfort is experienced the client is encouraged to feedback to the therapist. On conclusion of the appointment the therapist will carry out a review, asking the client how they feel and if there are any improvements that can be made for future sessions.

Techniques used

Various techniques are used during a therapeutic massage including those used during a sports massage.
These may include, ‘effleurage , a gliding motion usually carried out with the whole palm of the hand and the fingers. This helps you become accustomed to your therapist’s touch, warm your body’s tissues and increase your blood flow. ’Petrissage’ may also be used to knead deeper tissues, to mobilise fluids, stretch muscle fibres, identify areas of tension, scar tissue, and aid relaxation.

Friction techniques maybe used to break down adhesions and even scar tissue, and to separate muscle fibres. Again, frictions might feel uncomfortable or even slightly painful, so don’t be afraid to tell your therapist to go more gently on particular areas. The fingers, thumbs and forearms of the therapist maybe used to carry out this technique

Compression is another technique often used during sports massage as well as deep tissue massage This deep acting method can be used on “trigger points”, specific points on the body that can be firmly compressed in order relieve pain and discomfort in and around the area

During the conclusion of the appointment the therapist and client will review the session in order to inform future appointments


30 mins £30
60 mins £50
90 mins £70